Switch your incandescent bulbs out for Compact Fluorescent bulbs, also known as CFLs. These bulbs usually use around 15 watts, which is far less than the 60 to 100 watt bulbs that most people have been using. And don't worry about that cold fluorescent light as CFLs now come in warm tones, and can even be dimmable. Search the web for compact fluorescent bulbs or dimmable CFLs.
GREEN TIP: Most people want to conserve electricity at home, but don't want to be in a dark house all evening. Consider having nightlights around the house instead of turning on lights, even if they are compact fluorescents. New energy efficient nightlights can be run for 10 hours a day for less than 25 cents a year. And, accent lighting will be nicer than overhead fluorescents. Search the web for nightlights.